welcome to my virtual home.
no, i don‘t really like to expose myself, but all my life i have been mainly interested in people - human beings. whenever i see a project, a picture, a piece of art, a delicious meal, a hotel or a home, i always want to know who is the person behind it, the person who created it. this curiosity made me being a journalist and a therapist for quite a while, and even now as i am focussing on other things i still keep on asking the same questions as every little child: why, where, who?
so it is nothing but fair when i answer all questions that may arise regarding my projects, companies, kids, lovers and dreams before they have to be subject of speculation - the best gossip is always the one we create by ourselves.
on the top left you see a couple of links leading to projects i am involved in, mostly in creating „the whole thing“ or at least the website or doing some consulting. the website for THE NATURAL MEDICINE LIBRARY is still waiting for content - will come when the new project SafeBlood Donation - the most important i ever did - leaves me time for it.
on the bottom left private things like past projects, lots of music, pictures and some videos - mainly showing my family or friends - as you know i am interested in human beings, and since the time i was a professional photographer this has not changed - only the models are now posing for free as they are often relatives...
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